Artist: Dressy Bessy
Released: August 18. 2017
Album: Summer Singles Vol 1 & 2
Catalog #: HDR027
“‘While Dressy Bessy certainly sees its influence and power as a female-fronted band, gender isn’t the driving force behind its art. “I write what I write; it’s not gender-specific at all,” Ealom says. “I think men can relate, and I want everyone to relate. It’s no-nonsense. We aren’t up there ‘playing’ band; we are a band.” — Westword
“‘Dressy Bessy have been able to crank out the type of fun pop confections in the vein of “Automatic” or “Ten Million Stars” in their sleep, with the level of ease that it takes to pull out a fresh pan of Tollhouse cookies from the Easy Bake Oven.” — Hybrid magazine